Web Developer
At Avans University of Applied Sciences In 's-Hertogenbosch
Hoger Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs (Senior General Secondary Education)
Cbyte creates and maintains various webapplications, websites and other webtech. At Cbyte we search for interesting and new technologies every day.
Site: Cbyte.nl
Various development tasks for the Adecon Base platform.
Site: Adecon.nl
During my thime here I primarily worked on keeping the vacancy database up-to-date.
Site: Half9.nl
Going on a new adventure every Saturday with boys and girls from 7 to 11 years old. We challenge them to learn new skills, make friends and experience the outdoors.
Also, this video (co-eddited myself) says a lot:
Site: Scoutingdonbosco.com
Interested in working on a project with me?
Lets Talk!I started working with computers at a very young age. My first programming language was VisualBasic and from then on I learned myself programming. In the process I made lots of small applications which could be rewritten whenever I learned something new. Some technologies I like to work with nowadays:
A custom developed web application for a dutch cosmetic clinic. In this application all treatment and financial documentation happens. Some outstanding features: